The safety and well-being of our district is my top priority because it is our children and our future generations that are at stake. Supporting families and hardworking Americans from the oil fields, trucking industries, military, law enforcement, first responders and local businesses that our district is full of is the heart of this campaign. It is our prerogative to be a pioneer in changing the face of the politics.
Sandra Whitten
February 28.2021
Sandra Whitten Announces Candidacy
Laredo, TX- Today, conservative Republican, dedicated family woman, and community leader, Sandra Whitten announced her campaign for U.S. House of Representatives for Texas Congressional District 28.
“I'm a strong woman with strong beliefs. I believe that our country was founded on strong biblical principals and that the founding fathers used it to give us the liberties and freedoms we all enjoy regardless of our faith background.”
Sandra and her husband, Manny, a Corpsman, Navy veteran, and current Border Patrol agent, are proud parents to 4 wonderful children. Sandra has served in the church all of her life and most recently as a youth director and preschool director. Sandra has served on the board for Border Patrol Family and Friends and Border Patrol Agent Family Network. Sandra has also been a proud baseball coach and board member of the NW Little League for the last decade.
In 2020 Sandra was the Republican nominee for Texas Congressional District 28. Sandra brought new hope to families all across our great state that they will finally have a Representative who understands the issues affecting South Texas. Sandra is the first Republican woman to ever run for this seat and gained almost double the amount of votes than any other District 28 Republican candidate in Texas history. Sandra continued, "We took the districts temperature in 2020, in 2022 we are taking back the house"